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Monday, August 3, 2009

Wizard Rock!!!!!!!

Waz Up! Iv really been in the mood 4 harry potter stuff lately! i mean, who doen't luv the books!

so how many of u hav read the books? well iv only read them once but i kno a couple of people whov read them a gazillion times! 

Anyways, i recently came across a genre of music entirely devoted 2 HARRY POTTER!!!!! INSANE!!!!!! WIZARD ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heres a list of some of my favorite wizard rock bands:

  • Draco and the Malfoys
  • Gred and Forge
  • The Whomping Willows
  • and The Remus Lupins

4 a complete list of all wizard rock bands check out: This Link!!

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