Welcome. Hola. Waz Up. Yo. Hi. Hello. Sup.

This is the ultimate insane blog 4 insane random stuff such as insane fun lists and insane pictures that range everywhere from insane fireworks to insane soccer goalie saves.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Harry Potter Fan Art Post #3:Multiple Characters

Here is the third Fan art post: Multiple Characters

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bumper Sticker Post #1: Pro Life

Im now starting a new post series containing bumper stickers that I like. Today: Pro Life Bumper Stickers. And dont worry, i still hav more harry potter fan art posts comin in the future.

These rnt actually bumper stickers, but i thought id dump them on here anyway:

Harry Potter Fan Art Post #2: Hermione

Here is the second post in the Harry Potter Fan Art Series: Hermione

Friday, August 14, 2009

Harry Potter Fan Art Post #1: Couples

Here is the first post of a series of fan art posts each with their own theme. Todays Theme: Couples. here r some pictures i found of different couples in the series. Some r fanfiction couples.

Harry And Ginny Pictures:

Harry And Hermione Pictures:

Ron And Hermione Pictures:

Lupin And Tonks Picture:

Harry And Luna Picture:

Draco And Hermione Picture:

James And Lily Pictures:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Ebay Items

Check out my ebay pg 2 see wat im selling! Try 2 check it out weekly 4 more Stuff!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Insane Video Game Pics!!!!!

being the nerd that i am, iv decided 2 post some insane video game pics

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wizard Rock!!!!!!!

Waz Up! Iv really been in the mood 4 harry potter stuff lately! i mean, who doen't luv the books!

so how many of u hav read the books? well iv only read them once but i kno a couple of people whov read them a gazillion times! 

Anyways, i recently came across a genre of music entirely devoted 2 HARRY POTTER!!!!! INSANE!!!!!! WIZARD ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heres a list of some of my favorite wizard rock bands:

  • Draco and the Malfoys
  • Gred and Forge
  • The Whomping Willows
  • and The Remus Lupins

4 a complete list of all wizard rock bands check out: This Link!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Harry Potter Couples

hey everybody! check out my friend caitlins blog @ icedreamz4eva.blogspot.com if u like 2 read harry potter fanfiction. shes got a story telling about draco malfoy falling in luv with hermione granger. so if any of u people like harry potter and dont agree who gets coupled up in the end, then iv got a post 4 u. this my list of people I think shud hav gotten together. Post comments on ur opinion.

  1. Harry Potter - Luna Lovegood
  2. Hermione Granger - Draco Malfoy
  3. Neville Longbotton - Lavender Brown
  4. Ronald Weasly - Can live a lonely life 
  5. George Weasly - Pansy Parkinson
  6. Ginny Weasly - Seamus Finnigan

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Sport Or Not?

My friend and i were having an argument the other day about whether or not these r sports. post comments on the ones u think r sports

  • rock climbing
  • track
  • golf
  • billiards
  • bowling
  • boxing
  • double dutch
  • knitting

Monday, July 27, 2009

Comics Portraying An Older Calvin From Calvin And Hobbes

Insane Soccer Goalie Saves

My favorite sport is soccer in which i play goalie. so here r some dedicated insane goalies saving the day.